Betsy Vaden for IFA profile.jpg

I am a maker, inspired to try new ideas and mediums, intrigued to engineer, to build, to create.  I work with wool, silk, paper and various plant fibers.

I love creating pieces out of these materials: the physicality of the felting process, the lack of control as the piece melds together and shrinks, the inherent textures.  I initially focused on wearables, and, as with any journey, have branched into other paths.   Most of my time is now spent creating pieces in two and three dimensions. 

I grew up watching the women in my family create, and it was natural to learn to sew, knit and do needlework.  I have been making things ever since.  I received my BA in Music at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.  A classically trained violist, with significant dance training, most of my artistic life was spent performing. An arm injury meant that I couldn’t practice and play enough; I went to work on Wall Street.  After a career in finance and technology, raising two children and a plethora of volunteer roles, I turned my focus to creating – an urge that had taken a back seat over several decades.  

I discovered felting in 2017, after seeing felt wearables at a local arts festival.  Taken by the luxurious colors and textures, I have come to understand this medium as a wonderful combination of art, engineering, craft and magic.  I am inspired by the world around me, both physical and emotional.  My work tends toward simple, with an emphasis on shape, texture and an elegance of line. 

I have studied with Fiona Duthie, Pam de Groot, Katia Mokeyeva, Mollie Williams and Michael Hallinan. My work has been juried into shows at the James Wise Gallery, the Sanchez Art Center, and by the International Felt Makers.  It has been shown in several online exhibits/catalogs and is placed privately across the United States.   

Please email me at with any inquiries.